Sick and Out-of-Work Dues

One of the most sensitive and difficult issues addressed by the delegates was the elimination of out-of-work dues and a raise in the amount of sick dues to the full per capita tax rate, recommended by the Law Committee.

For many years, the Constitution has allowed Boilermakers who are sick for more than four days to pay no per capita tax and for those out of work to be assessed only $1 a month. While paying $1 a month or nothing at all, these members retain full rights of membership.

At the request of convention chairman Fairley, IST Bill Creeden presented a report which showed more than $3 million in dues went uncollected in 2005 under the existing dues structure; that number is equivalent to $3.68 per member per month. This resolution allows the Brotherhood to avoid imposing a $3.70 per capita dues increase on all members in order to pay for Brotherhood operations. Local lodges and the International work just as hard for these members as for active members paying full dues, and the lack of revenue is causing funding problems for some vital programs, such as education and training, organizing, and basic representation.

Opponents of the measure said it would create a hardship for members who are not collecting paychecks because they have been laid off or are sick. Some argued that those in shops would suffer disproportionately because they make lower wages than Boilermakers in field construction.

Supporters of the change said the current system is subject to abuse. Some stay on sick leave beyond their illness and some on out-of-work status are working at other occupations, such as shrimping and farming.

Others pointed out that local lodges could pay the per capita for sick members out of local lodge funds. Many delegates rose to state that their lodges would take care of their sick members. They also pointed out that members expecting to be out of work for long periods can always take a withdrawal card or a temporary severance card. It was noted that other trade unions require full dues to be paid in order to retain membership benefits.

Billy Staggs, delegate from Local 483 (Alton, Ill.), rose from the floor to amend the Law Committee's report to make no change to these provisions. Dean Calhoun, delegate from Local 104 (Seattle), proposed an amendment to Staggs's amendment, requiring out-of-work dues of $5 and sick dues of $2.

After much debate, the Law Committee recommendation passed on a roll-call vote, with delegates representing over 80 percent of the membership voting for adoption.