Delegates re-elect International officers![]() As they did in 2001, delegates to the 31st Consolidated Convention demonstrated confidence in and solidarity with their International officers, unanimously re-electing the serving president, secretary-treasurer, and Executive Council on Day 2. Newton B. Jones was elected to his first full term, after filling the unexpired term of IP C.W. Jones, beginning in 2003. William T. Creeden also was elected to his first full term, after filling the unexpired term of Jerry Z. Willburn beginning in December 2005. All International vice presidents were returned to office and to the Executive Council. They include George D. Rogers, Central Section; Joseph A. Stinger, Western States Section; Sam H. May, Southeast Section; Lawrence J. McManamon, Great Lakes Section; Edward Power, Eastern Canadian Section; Othal Smith Jr., SFEAW Division; James Hickenbotham, CLGAW Division; Sean Murphy, Northeast Section; and Joseph Maloney, Western Canadian Section. In a special order of business, Charles W. Jones was unanimously elected by the convention to serve as International president emeritus. Nominations to the International offices were made as follows: International President, Newton B. Jones, nominated by George Rogers (1st), Larry McManamon (2nd), and Ed Power (2nd); International Secretary-Treasurer, William T. Creeden, nominated by Sandy MacDonald (1st), Joe Stinger (2nd), and John Skermont (2nd); International Vice President – Central Section, George D. Rogers, nominated by Ron Keck (1st), Dave Snead (2nd), and Roger Erickson (2nd); International Vice President – Western States, Joseph A. Stinger, nominated by Randy Robbins (1st), Tom Baca (2nd), and Alan Scheer (2nd); International Vice President – Southeast Section, Sam H. May, nominated by Ed Vance (1st), John Simoneaux (2nd), and Frank Ludgood Jr. (2nd); International Vice President – Great Lakes Section, Lawrence J. McManamon, nominated by Pat Gallagher (1st), Jim Pressley (2nd), and Bill Palmisano (2nd); International Vice President – Eastern Canadian Section, Edward Power, nominated by Jim Tinney (1st), Kent Oliver (2nd), and Guy Villemure (2nd); International Vice President – SFEAW Division, Othal Smith Jr., nominated by Mike Murphy (1st), Willie White (2nd), and Victoria Freitag (2nd); International Vice President – CLGAW Division, Jim Hickenbotham, nominated by C.W. Jones (1st), Mark Kelly (2nd), and Frank Ferrucci (2nd); International Vice President – Northeast Section, Sean Murphy, nominated by Ray Ventrone (1st), Frank Ward (2nd), and Ernie Dorsey (2nd); and International Vice President – Western Canadian Section, Joseph Maloney, nominated by Norm Ross (1st), Rob Lauzon (2nd), and Curtis Nesset (2nd). |