President Jones inspires delegates to action![]() Story Links
IP Jones began his speech with a humorous story about the late Connie Mobley, a Boilermaker Fight Back organizer, to make a point about being a leader. Jones exhorted delegates “to overcome whatever limitations we may think we have and to do our very best in service to our fellow workers and members.” He discussed some of the challenges facing this union and all workers – political, economic, and even within the labor movement itself. But he shared his confidence in the members of this Brotherhood, saying, “I am confident our union will do as we have done for 125 years: We will endure, we will meet our challenges head on, and we will achieve our goals.” He outlined some actions the Executive Council has already taken to relieve the financial setbacks we have seen in recent years, and asked the delegates for their support in enacting some changes to the dues structure that will improve the Brotherhood’s finances without any new increase in the per capita dues rate. Jones ended his speech with an inspiring list of the many ways Boilermakers touch the lives of all people in the United States and Canada. He said “You can be proud of your contribution to our society, to our economy, to the quality of life we help provide to our fellow citizens and to the defense of our nations. “Just like the splice that bonds two pieces of rope into one, our lives are bonded through our membership in our union and our commitment to our cause. It is this bond that holds us together, that keeps us strong, each equal to the other, but each with a role and purpose.” His closing brought the room to its feet. “As we face our adversaries throughout our next 125 years of service to our members, you can be sure that we will neither be gobbled up . . . nor will we be beaten down. We will persevere; we will prosper; and we will succeed because we are Boilermakers!” |