Committee on Stove, Furnace, Energy, and Allied Workers

Committee Report

The committee reported continuing negative impacts on membership numbers due to employer mergers and acquisitions, and offshore manufacturing of smaller heating and cooling components. However, it appears some employers have begun to add employees. Coal transportation and handling sectors have grown since the last Convention, and further growth is projected during the next 5 years. The committee stressed the need to continue organizing new employers as well as vigorous in-plant organizing efforts in right to work states. Other priorities include: 1) strong educational programs for local lodge officers, 2) health and safety training programs in all shops, 3) support for Buy American and Buy Union products and services campaigns; and 4) political activism. The report was presented and approved on Day 4.

Committee Members

Committee on Stove, Furnace, Energy, and Allied Workers
Othal Smith Chairman
Victoria Demske Secretary, L-M94 – Great Lakes
Mark Babcock L-M7 – Great Lakes
Wilton Barnett L-S50 – Northeast
Larry Boren L-S56 – Southeast
Don Brazzell L-S234 – Southeast
David Cheshire L-S20 – Southeast
Terrance Garnett L-S50 – Northeast
Doug Habern L-M301 – Great Lakes
Chris Jones L-P4 – Great Lakes
Calvin “Ted” Marks L-S7 – Great Lakes
Jim McMillon L-M68 – Great Lakes
Theresa Myrick L-S200 – Central Section
Alex Poling L-S50 – Northeast
Steve Rechtein L-M13 – Central Section
Randy Staggs L-S2 – Southeast
Kerry Trobaugh L-S185 – Great Lakes

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Room: Montego D

Other meeting times will be scheduled as required.