Committee on Railroad Industry

Committee Report

There are approximately 1,100 Boilermaker members in the railroad industry today. The decline in membership that is due to Class 1 mergers appears to have stabilized. Amtrak’s funding and political problems persists, and Amtrak members have been without a contract for six years. Railroad Division finances have suffered from the decline in membership. To correct the problem, the railroad membership unanimously agreed to increase monthly division dues by $1, with annual increases each January 1. The division is addressing outsourcing issues in several ways. One promising approach is allowing non-railroad Boilermakers to perform some locomotive wreck work under the Western States Agreement.

Congress made substantial improvements to the railroad retirement system in 2001, and the system is in excellent financial condition. In December 2004, the division completed Class 1 contract negotiations begun back in 1999. That same month, the Division joined a bargaining coalition with six other railroad unions. The report was presented and approved on Day 4.

Committee Members

Committee on Railroad Industry
Alan Scheer Chairman
Danny Hamilton Secretary
Jerry Chapman L-1633 – Southeast
Gerald Conrad L-1393 – Northeast
Ronald Courson L-425 – Southeast
John David L-1032 – Great Lakes
John Mansker L-66 – Central Section
Byron Markham L-538 – Northeast
Frank May L-51 – Great Lakes
Michael Schuety L-3 – Great Lakes
Jack Thomas L-249 – Northeast

Date: Sunday, July 23, 2006
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Room: Montego D

Other meeting times will be scheduled as required.