Committee on Organizing

Committee Report

The committee summarized the Brotherhood’s Fight Back, In-Plant and New Plant organizing programs. Use of the Fight Back program is currently limited to one organizer, as it is only effective during times of low employment. In-Plant organizing continues to show results in right-to-work states and in federal shipyards. However, more can be done. In 2006, 15 out of the 58 lodges that could benefit from the program actively used it, initiating nearly 350 new members. Meanwhile, The Brotherhood's New Plant organizing program is constrained by limited resources and the anti-union disposition of the National Labor Relations Board.

The Organizing Committee made a number of recommendations to improve organizing efforts at the local lodge level. Among these were: 1) mandatory In-Plant program participation, 2) efforts during contract negotiations to obtain access to new employees during orientation and grievance protections for probationary employees, 3) weekly steward and organizing committee meetings, 4) development of a community involvement program, and 5) lodge-level responsibility for initial screening of organizing targets, with emphasis on potential bargaining units where voluntary recognition appears possible.

Committee Members

Committee on Organizing
Gary Prochnow Chairman
John Chapman Secretary
Dave Bunch International Staff
Rocco DeRollo International Staff
Gary Evenson International Staff
Frank Ferrucci L-D173 – Northeast
Kevin Forsyth L-D486 – W. Canada
Len Gunderson International Staff
Bob Heine International Staff
Joe Krsak L-1664 – Great Lakes
Ron Lyon BIC/International Staff
Amanda Stinger International Staff
Mark Thompson L-132 – Central Section

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Room: Montego B

Other meeting times will be scheduled as required.