Committee on Finance

Committee Report

The committee reported that it reviewed the finances of the Convention fund and agreed with the Law Committee and delegates that the Convention and travel per diem should remain at $200 per day for the 31st Consolidated Convention. The Finance Committee also agreed with the Law Committee and the delegates, contingent upon receipts being submitted to the International secretary-treasurer's office, to reimburse for five nights’ lodging up to a maximum rate of $125.35, per night and transportation costs pursuant to article 2.6 of the International Brotherhood's Constitution. The Finance Committee issued per diem checks and compared them to the last Convention. At the 2001 Convention, 814 delegates attended. Two hundred dollars per diem was paid, for a total of $382,149; airfare paid was $126,278. The total cost of the Convention in 2001 was $2,151,039.84. At the 2006 Convention, 662 delegates and 55 delegates at large attended, for a total of 717 registered delegates. Two hundred dollars per diem was paid, for a total of $248,000. The total cost of the 31st Consolidated Convention, at the time of the report, was $1,873,262.83. Those costs were not final, as expenses from staff and representatives had not yet been submitted. The report was presented and approved on Day 4.

Committee Members

Finance Committee
Bill Creeden Chairman
Allen Meyers Secretary
L-627 – Western States
Denise Bolton L-D488 – E. Canada
Charlie Brock International Staff
Gerald Couser L-197 – Northeast
Ernest Dorsey L-193 – Northeast
Carl Ferguson L-199 – Southeast
Dave Imus L-242 – Western States
Brad John L-182 – Western States
Robert McCormack L-359 – Western Canada
Jim McManamon L-744 – Great Lakes
Dan Quinn L-154 – Northeast
Kevin Reatherford L-158 – Great Lakes
J. R. Sims L-903 – Southeast
C. Anthony Smarra L-154 – Northeast
Jeannie Snyder L-D533 – Northeast
Donald Whisenant L-592 – Central Section

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006 through Thursday, July 27, 2006
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Room: Trinidad B

Other meeting times will be scheduled as required.